Monday, November 30, 2009

Relationship Blues

Finally after months of filling out job apps someone finally called, with the amount of people out of work competition for a good job is something, still have to go thru more interviews, I believe if it`s meant to happen I`ll get the job, no sense worring about it, worrying will not add a minute to your life.
If I am chosen for the job my family will be happy, loosing a job puts a lot of strain on everybody involved. If you are still looking for work please don`t get to disheartned if it takes a long time, sooner or later America will get past this mess the federal government created and things will look bright again, keep in touch.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Relationship Blues

For millions of us this Christmas we will not have the money to spend on gifts for the people we love like we have in the past. With the federal gov increasing taxes in the name of helping our country, doing just the opposite, we will have to pay more of our money to the gov which means we will be even poorer. How the people believe that making the US a gov controlled society is in our best interest is beyond me. Yet so many of us are willing to let the gov have more control over our lives.
Saw Michael Moore on Hannity a few nights ago and he thinks the US should give all the money the `workers,` that`s the American people that work and pay taxes, earn from there jobs to all the people in the rest of the world, we don`t need to keep any of the money we earn, the gov should take it and decide where to use it. He says that while admitting that he is a multi-millionare, the profits he has made trying to convince the American people that this is the worst country on the face of the Earth. What a guy Michael Moore is, making millions from a system he is trying to overthrow. He must really be laughing at us all the way to the bank as the saying goes. He still says the people of Cuba under Castro have a better life than the US citizens, it`s OK with me if he thinks that, it just surprises me that so many of my fellow Americans agree with him.
It`s hard enough on a relationship these days just trying to make ends meet. Now with Christmas, that`s what I called it, `Christmas coming up and so many of us in bad financial shape thanks to what the Federal Gov caused, we really have to say a prayer that the people in Washington will come to their senses and stop passing laws that hurt our great country, I know I`ll be praying for them, keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Relationship Blues

Took a few days off, got busy doing other stuff, happens to us all. Glad the holiday is soon, love all the food and company, it`s a great feeling to have family around you and enjoying a great meal. Seems like we never have the time to spend with the people we love like we should.
I give thanks for my wife and kids, just living life these days is rough on everybody, we feel you can pray your way thru the rough times, if you are a non-believer maybe now would be a good time to try a little prayer and see what happens, keep in touch.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Relationship Blues

For the people that are sure the government takeover of our healthcare system is the best thing since sliced bread, beware. Only a short time since the Congress has voted to approve the new law and already a gov panel has suggested that women delay having mammograms until they reach the age of fifty, no one on the panel is on the forefront of breast cancer, the women on medicare will be effected the most, that`s wright, the people that the gov heathcare plan was supposed to protect are already being told they will have to wait an additional TEN years to be covered for an exam that could save their lives.
The problem with gov control is there will be more and more gov related rules on the cost to actually save peoples lives. England and France, who Michael Moore touts as great examples of gov run healthcare systems already weight the cost of saving peoples lives, their govs decide if it`s worth the money to save a life or not, people on waiting lists for years for treatments that could save their life. How American citizens still want the gov control when there is no good example of a gov system that works for the good of the people, I will never understand, yet there are a number of people that really want the gov to take over healthcare.
I believe the people in Washington will see how wrong having the gov take over healthcare is and will do their duty to look out for the American people and stop this madness, keep in touch.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Relationship Blues

Facebook is a great site, lately with the help of a sister getting in touch with old friends and cousins on Facebook I have been able to reconnect with people I haven`t talked to in years. Remembering past good times does a soul good. We move on with our lives and lose contact with family and friends, when they come back in our lives we are thankful.
I`m in my fifties now and time goes by faster and faster, just like the older people in my life said it would when I was a young man. Never enough time to get everything you want to get done done.
Keeping in touch with the people that we care about should be high on our list of things to do,I will make a better effort to keep that in mind. The computer age makes it alot easier to keep in touch, looking at the pics on a profile of a favorite person in my life I have a chance to see how they look now and the people in thier lives. With the internet we are just a click away, keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Relationship Blues

The Kennedy`s come from Mass, no wonder they were so popular there, with all the nuts in that state. Bad enough when the Mass residents decided that you could not keep score in kids soccer games because the losing teams feelings might get hurt, no gain to coming in first place rather just let everybody play no matter if they had the skill or not. Everything in life is not for everybody, we all have different talents and to excell at one talent we have to shy away from another, nothing wrong with that.
Now in the great state of Mass Christmas is out in another school. You can`t even have red and white wraping paper because they don`t want anything to do with Christmas. I guess we have let the crazies take over just about every school system in the country.
The pres says we are not a Christian nation any longer, we are, I guess the gov is trying to rewrite history and since the gov has controll of what the children are taught in the gov schools it is all the more important we teach our children at home what this country was founded for. And teach our kids we must or they will grow up believing everything the gov tells them without question. I teach my child to question everything, don`t just take what someone says as fact without them having the facts, the truth, to back it up.
If we teach our children to always seek the truth and stand up for it when they find it we will be a better, stronger America, keep in touch.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Relationship Blues

Glad to see the government is on top of things, we really do have a problem with the students that attend government schools. A school in Mass has promised to suspend students that say the word `meep` a word that comes from the coyete cartoon, seems a freshman biology teacher feels it will lead to social unrest and cause the downfall of the American way of life. Another school suspended a female student for shaving her head to bring awareness to the type of cancer her father has, she got the idea from a celebrity that did it, both of these are examples of what the government can do and get away with.
I thought the government school system was more concerned with educating our children, seems it is mostly about controlling the masses. If the gov system really wanted to educate the children we would already have a voucher system in place, that is where you can send your child to any school of your choice, that will never happen because a voucher system would let the parents choose to send their kids to a school where they would be taught things like the constition, freedom of thought that the gov doesn`t want your children to have. If your child bucks the gov system they will be punished, glad our founding fathers bucked the English or we would be hailing a Queen now.
With all the Fed Gov is trying to do to stifle our economic system and take away individual liberties we should be convinced that a limited Federal Gov, like our founding fathers wanted, is the only way to go to ensure America stays the most free, envied country on Earth, keep in touch.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Relationship Blues

This weekend we were going to take a weekend trip to Dallas to attend my nephews new church dedication, figured out we couldn`t because I was laid off in July and the money just isn`t there, we were really heart broken about not being able to see family. With 10.2 percent unemployment and more people losing their jobs every week we have to wonder just what the goverment is doing to improve the economic condition of the country.
The Fed Govt has given billions of dollars to a few companies and it hasn`t helped any, we can see that the peoples money has been wasted, it would have been cheaper on the taxpayer and better for the economy if our tax money was used to just pay off the houses that were lost and let the govt hold the paper on the house until the govt was paid back. The govt could have set low enough monthly payments that the whole amount could have been paid back and no one would have lost their home.The way the fed govt did it the taxpayer money will never be paid back, how crazy is that?
What do we expect from a President that is not letting Christmas be about Christmas, no Christmas tree at the Whitehouse this year, a Holiday tree instead, a bunch of bull if you ask me. All the people that voted for a change, hope you enjoy it.
Saw a picture of the first lady wearing a 500 dollar pair of sneakers to a photoshoot at a homeless shelter, the gaul of these people. 100 dollar a pound beef from overseas served at their dinners, what more do we have to have thrown in our face to prove they have contempt for the working men and women of America. We need to wake up, keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Relationship Blues

My partner and I love watching movies, some we watch together and others we watch alone, different tastes. The movie about David Frost interviewing Richard Nixon I watched alone, very good movie. Led me to research the movie a little, found out that the scene where Nixon calls Frost late at night was all Hollywood bull. I don`t understand why the people that make fact based movies are not more true to the facts, the movies would have the same impact without all the madeup scenes.
Oliver Stones movie about JFK is a great Hollywood movie, about the only truth in it was that Kennedy was killed in Dallas. I still catch it on sometimes and watch it again, even knowing that Stone was just making a movie not reporting history I would recomend it to anyone who hasn`t seen it before.
Our young people today act like everything on TV is fact, without researching true facts they are OK with taking what Hollywood renders and believing that to be the truth, that`s why politicians get away with outright lying on TV and no one calls them on it. Sad state of affairs when the young minds of our country don`t question what politicians are saying, more young people know more about reality shows on TV than what their Congressman and Senators are voting on in Washington, hope we will be alright, keep in touch.

Relationship Blues

What the people in Washington do has a direct influence on our personal relationships, when the gov makes decisions that run down our economy we will have access to less money, money that we should be using to take care of our family. This healthcare bill is a disaster for the economy, it will put more people out of work and raise taxes so high the people that are working are not going to have enough money left over after taxes to maintain a decent standard of living.
If you are a follower of Michael Moore and agree that even Cuba has a better healthcare system than us you should open your eyes before it is to late. Cuba just last year allowed 900 microwave ovens to be distributed to the common people because the Cuban gov was afraid there would be civil unrest if everyone in the country was allowed to own a microwave oven for their personal use. That`s the kind of stuff that will occur in this country if we give control of our economic system to the federal gov. Some central ofice of the Fed will decide what is best for the workers in America. Make no mistake about it `workers` is the term used by people like Hillary Clinton to describe the citizens of America.
The people in this country that believe that only the government can solve the problems we face are in for a suprise, gov involvement in a free market only makes the economy harder to improve. 10.2 percent unemployment and the Washington folks want to add programs that will increase our taxes, that`s really good for America.
I have faith that calmer heads will prevail and stop the ever increasing lunacy coming from Washington, keep in touch.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Relationship Blues

Keep in touch at

Relationship Blues

Checking out some other sites on the relationship issue it seems that articles about cheating are a top issue. One says cheaters are mostly men, the other says women, all we can get from so many articles is that there is a lot of unfaithful people out there. Men and women of high moral fiber, I believe most of us are we just hear about the bad stuff more than the good. If you have been cheated on you are in no mood to hear that you are in a minority of honest faithful partners. When it comes to guess which person will cheat on their partner you can never really tell.
If we keep our relationship with our partner the number one spot on list of things we should do we will be able to have confidence in them that they will not stray in that department.
No one has all the answers but a partner with a good solid foundation in their belief in the Good Book is a start. My partner is a believer and it will rub off on you, kinds of gives you a sense that there is a greater source out there than what we can come up with on our own. We should beware of false teachings when it comes to matters of the heart. Hollywood promotes a certain lifestyle that we know is on the wrong side of the tracks, why this happens we all know.
Sad to say but once you have been cheated on the trust you have in your partner is over, some people think we can forgive and forget, not true. If you can`t trust your partner nothing else in the relationship will work either, best to move on before what you feel eats you up inside and you waste more good years on a losing cause, keep in touch.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Relationship Blues

Talked with Mom a little while ago and she can`t make it to Ft Worth next weekend, my stepdad is in failing health and she feels she should stay home and take care of him. She hasn`t seen one of her great grandkids yet and is broken up about the situation. That`s all part of life, deciding what we are able to do and missing out on things we would like to do. It breaks your heart to plan on a trip to see family and the trip not work out. Everyone understands the situation, that doesn`t help your feeling the way you do. Maybe sometime soon she will be able to take a trip and see her grandson and great grandkids.
We plan on making the trip to Ft Worth, no one knows how the future will turn out, we can only do so much then the rest is not in our hands, keep in touch.

Relationship Blues

Sunday, the day of rest, earlier my twelve year old daughter was messing around on the PC and found several thirty second videos from a year or so ago, talk about lost tapes, we didn`t even know we had them. Great little suprise, my partner and I laughed and enjoyed our little find.
Next Saturday we are off to Ft. Worth for the dedication of the church my nephew leads the music in, Mom will be in from Florida. She is in her seventies now and we will be looking forward to spending as much time with her as we can. In our society family members spread out all over the country, few of stay in the same place we were raised, guess we all search for a place we can call home. Talking to the ones we love on the phone or computer is good, just nothing like seeing them in person and giving them a hug and letting them know we miss them.
If you are lucky enough to have family like I do, you find a way to keep in touch as often as possible, time flies and sooner rather than later there will come a time when the people we love will no longer be with us, keep in touch.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Relationsip Blues

If you have ever accidently hit ESC on your keyboard you know how I felt earlier when at the end of my daily trip to my blog I missed the key I was aiming for and BAM, all was lost. You can never regain the same thought pattern you had earlier, you can come close but I find it`s better to just start over with whatever is on your mind at this time.
Halfway thru the weekend already, time just flies, been watching TV alot this weekend with my better half. Movies and the National Geographic channel during the day, tonight maybe some comedy. If you haven`t seen any Two and a Half men you are missing a great comedy show. That, Reba and Sienfeld, all reruns of course are what I hunt for in the comedy field. Unless HBO is running a comedy special, standups are some of the most entertaining viewing on the tube.
My partner for life enjoys Lfetime movies and I have watched my share with her, every once in awhile they have a really good one on, she likes about every one, me not so much. In our relationship we have learned to watch each others favorite type shows, we enjoy being together whatever we are doing. In a relationship 50/50 doesn`t always work out but at least it`s worth shooting for, keep in touch.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Relationship Blues

Just finished watching `Bridges of Madison County` with Clint Eastwood. It has a powerful message about how we should think about our relationship with our partner. Sometimes we let our relationship become dull and dreary, day after day we do the same things and we lose the feeling we had when our relationship was new.
Listening to our partner is the most important thing we can do, if we tune out what our partner is trying to tell us we run the risk of them finding someone that will listen to them. We have to make time in our hectic lives to spend part of each day only focused on our partner. No easy task, try to keep in mind what we want from our partner, the way we treat our partner is the way they will treat us. When we take the time to listen to what our partner is saying and not fluff it off, they will return the favor and the lines of communication will remain open, keep in touch.

Relationship Blues

This blog isn`t just about personal relationships, our relationships with people in gereral are important to our relationship with our partner. So many factors in our lives effect our personal lives that millions of words are written every year to help us through the rough times. No one person can give you the answers you are looking for to help you in times of trouble, you have to consider all things and pick from the vast amount of information available what will work in your life, it`s hard to decide a course of action sometimes but decide we must or things can become so out of control in our lives we end up at a place we never intended to be.
So many single people are looking for a partner to share their lives with, they often overlook one of the best places to meet a person that would fulfill their expectations. The bar scene is good for one night stands, plenty of people looking for that kind of thing, nothing much but regrets looking for love in all the wrong places. The internet is full of dating sites, some free, some charging a monthly fee, you could spend a small fortune and never meet the type person you are looking for.
The one place people turn last that should be at the top of their list to meet single people is of course church. Single women that are looking for a loving partner with morals will never find the kind of person they are searching for in a bar. One night stands are dangerous these days, you could even lose your life if you get mixed up with the wrong type people, better to be in a place where people are searching for a way to improve their lives than a place where harm can come to you.
The bigger churches have single adult groups and activites that are perfect for meeting other single adults looking for a relationship, if you are single and the nightlife scene is not working out for you, please think about visiting your local church, you may find something that has been missing in your life, keep in touch.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Relationship Blues

Shopping with my better half usually puts a strain on our relationship, we are so different in our way of getting things done. Today we went for groceries and we got thru it better than I expected. For those of us on a tight budget there is almost no place better to shop than Walmart, the prices are great and the super stores have everything you want, around the country Walmart has been given a bad rep. I think its the best place to shop for about eighty percent of what we need daily.
For people looking for work a great place to check out is Craigslist, the site has temp job offers all the way up to full time employment offers, some are no good but there are good postings. For temp work click the labor gigs. Don`t forget to click on the FREE site, all kinds of stuff is on there for free, some even have pics.
Until the economy picks up we have to get by the best we can, it will pick up just not soon enough for some of us. We should be careful not to let what`s happening with us moneywise become to big a strain on our relationship with our partner, we all know what stress money worries puts on a relationship. No easy answers on how to keep up a good relationship when the rest of your life is looking bleak, we just have to hand in until things get better, keep in touch.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Relationship Blues

Keeping up with all the evil things being reported in the news makes you wonder if all the end of times signs are happening at this time like alot of people are saying. If this is the time, we must prepare for it the way the good book says, getting straight with our maker is very important, if all is well in your soul then your worries will be few.
The case of the murder-rapest in Cleveland lets us know the race relations situation in this country has a long way to go when you talk about the police departments in this country. One of the victims had family that went to the police and the police told them that since she was known to be a drug addict they weren`t even going to file a missing persons report. The family searched for her on their own and found her car four blocks from the killers house. It is pretty obvious that if you are black in America the police treat you as second class citizens, that kind of thinking has no place in America, especially in a government agency, but time after time we see the results of the police when they deal with black America.
Its hard enough on a relationship with the poor economic outlook these days without having to worry about the stress of your color making a difference when it comes to equal protection under the law.
There is good and bad in every segment of the population in America, maybe after a little more time the race barrier will be removed, for now it seems it still stands, keep in touch.

Relationship Blues

Watched the pres and can`t believe all the people blindly following him when most of what he wants to get done in America hurts our country. The main theme today was four billion tax payer dollars earmarked for education, most people will not say anything about the money going to education, if you do say anything you are labeled antichildren. The Federal Gov blackmails the state by withholding fed money if the state doesn`t do what the Federal Gov wants.
The way its comes down this time is the states have to stop lumping teachers and students together when they are evaluated to see if the teachers are teaching and the students are learning. In plain English what the pres wants is to continue giving yearly raises to teachers even if the students they teach can`t read or write at their grade level, the teacher unions love this, I`m sure the money from the teachers union that was donated to the Obama campaign didn`t have anything to do with the decision by the Pres.
In my relationship with my partner we both agree that the gov educating our children ( all children) is not a good idea. Vouchers so the parents have a choice where their kids get educated seems to be a good idea. That will not happen under this pres, in fact he stopped the vouchers going to minorty students in the Washington, DC area who had no choice but to return to failing schools in DC. That showed how much he cared about the poor students in his area getting a good education and moving out of the poverty they are in.
The people that were so excited about Obama should have researched his political ideals before they jumped into his time for a change slogan without knowing what his intentions were. To late now, you get what you ask for in life sometimes, it`s not to late to correct what the pres has done, cooler heads will put a rein on his socialist agenda and the country will turn around and the economy will get back on track, keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Relationship Blues

Will Rodgers once said `A man can learn only two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people.` He had alot of quotes that became popular, the reading way is easy and cheap these days. If you have the time stop by your local public library, my partner and I both love to read and the library has unlimited books on any subject you are interested in.
If you have kids now is the time to get them into reading, a library trip can be a fun and exciting time for them, showing your kids you enjoy reading will help them find the joy of books. My partner has a different idea than I do about which are the best books to read, we are opposites in a few things, but we compliment each other in our relationship, maybe that`s the way you and your partner are also, I believe it works just fine.
If you are not a big reader, the next time you are sitting around being bored, remember the library, take your partner and the kids, it will turn out to be more fun than most trips, keep in touch.

Relationship Blues

Talk about stress in a relationship these days in our economic troubles and you hit a goldmine. Ten million people out of work and no end in sight, companies still laying off, some just closing up for good, there just doesn`t seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. Bleak times and it will last for a few more years. Some relationships will not survive this mess the country is in, they should be able to make it thru but people start blaming each other for the way things are in their lives and soon the resentment is so strong the relationship ends. No miracle cure for hard times, we just have to be ready when the market picks up.
I`m laid off and searching every day for a good job that has the benefits my last job had, nothing much is coming from my search. Lots of people in the same boat, money is tight and that makes it hard on everyone, just staying afloat is a miracle.
Keeping a relationship strong in times like these is hard but not impossible, we have to make sure we don`t direct our anger about our money situation at our partners, nothing good will come from it. Sometime in the future we will get back on track and this will all be behind us, for now we have to keep the faith and try to make it, keep in touch.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Relationship Blues

Being laidoff can be a real strain on a relationship, less money, unemployment only pays a portion of your former pay, loss of benefits, the uncertainty of when another job will open up, all take it`s toll. I have never seen the economy in such a mess, which we know the Federal Gov caused to happen by meddeling in the banking industry, forcing banks to make loans that the banks on their own would have never made to people who could not repay them, how anyone has missed that fact is beyond me, still way to many people think the banks had a choice in the matter.
For most people looking for jobs there just aren`t any in their areas, may not be any for another year or two. The people that voted for Obama are getting what they asked for, a change in America. America will bounce back to stronger economic times, it would happen faster if the gov would stay out of the free market system we have instead of trying to take over our economic system. Too many people think the gov should run everything even when you point out that the gov does a terrible job of running things and never within a budget. Two big examples, the Post Office and Amtrac, both just throwing money down the drain, but when the gov starts a program it will never admit they made a costly mistake and correct it they will just keep wasting money on the program.
Of course we all know the problem Washingtom has in looking after tax payer money, they show us time and again they could care less what the people think, what a shame.
For people looking for work, has many listings, please check it out if you have not heard of it.
We will slowly climb out of this mess and when we do maybe the people in Washington will not get us into another mess like this, keep in touch.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Relationship Blues

After a fun weekend Monday morning will be here all to fast, for the people still looking for work be of calm heart for the job market will improve, when is anybodies guess, I hope soon before all is lost. Lest we forget the government caused the mess we are in by forcing the banks to lower their credit standards so more people could buy houses, many of those people had no hope of repaying loans and still the government forced our banks to make bad loans, so don`t expect the government to bail you out. Sad state of affairs.
Everything is not bleak, sure there are companies folding up every week and the gov is trying to take more control of the free market system everyday, for those of us in a good solid relationship we will make it thru, how is a day to day task but we are Free American Citizens and we will overcome anything that gets in our path to maintain a strong family relationship, the backbone of any free society. Not letting the economic situation effect our relationship with our partner takes some doing but it is possible.
Asking for help in these trying times is hard on most people, we shouldn`t let pride get in the way of taking care of our loved ones, many organizations are here to help at this time. So many people are in this boat that it seems at times that we will never see the light of day, we will, keep in touch.